CR-4 Coil Rod
CR-4 Continuous Coil Rod is manufactured and stocked in 12’-0’’ lengths. Special lengths are available up to 20’-0”.
Requires minimum two (2) Standard CN-5 Coil Nuts or one (1) Heavy CN-25 Coil Nut to develop full safe work load. Minimum coil thread penetration is same as shown for coil bolts. May be cut with carborundum blades without thread damage. Do not use cutting torch to cut coil rod.
Meadow Burke supplies two different types of coil thread:
1) 20 KIP and 40 KIP series uses standard hi-strength, 3-1/2 pitch coil thread (CR-4).
2) 60 KIP series uses Special Super 150 hi-strength, 4 pitch coil thread (CR-5).
They are not interchangeable and cannot be mismatched.
Use only Meadow Burke coil rod for all hold down application. Meadow Burke will not guarantee the SWL of any coil rod which has been field welded, bent and/or has worn threads. Coil Rod Threads must protrude through top of swivel to achieve SWL.

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