HF-33 Side Lock Hanger – 45º

The HF-33 Side Lock Hanger is specifically intended for use on outside beams when a mechanical screed machine is to be supported by the bridge overhang. The 45º/90º heavy duty free fit end clip is adjustable from the top side of the form, using 1/2″ coil rod or coil bolts.

This hanger is suitable for either steel or concrete beams.

The 90º side lock feature prevents the hanger (when under a load), from sliding towards the 45º edge.

Product Data

Type SWL Includes Wire ɸ
HF-33 6,000 lbs. (2) CN-5 1/2″ 0.440″

Safety Factor – Approximately 2:1

Call 877-518-7665 or contact us for a quote.
SKU: HF-33 Category:
Precast Precast
Tilt-Up Tilt-Up
Cast-in-Place Cast-in-Place