MB Cable Lift Loop Plus
Meadow Burke’s Cable Lift Loop + Plus System was developed and tested as a high load system. Each lift loop in the Plus system was tested and approved to the listed loads. These tests were conducted domestically to insure that the capacities meet the required 4:1 in 2,500 psi concrete. This strong and economical lifting solution may be used in many applications, including, but not limited to utility products, beams and columns. The wide selection of Plus System Loops available insures the most economical lifting cable for the load requirements. The higher the capacity of the Plus System Loops means heavy units can be lifted without changing to a larger cable. For example, the capacity of the Plus System “White” Lift Loop is rated at 2,000# SWL, while the lesser systems are rated at 1,300#. All of the Plus System capacities listed are for tension or shear loads, and are available in electrogalvanized.
These capacities are based on the cable lift loop having an embedment depth of 2/3 of the overall length. This means that 1/3 of the lift loop is exposed and available for attachment to a lifting hook or shackle. To insure that the cable is embedded to the correct depth, the top of each Plus System Loop is coated in yellow to the 1/3 height mark. Place the loop into the concrete until only the yellow coated portion is exposed. This is visual assurance that at least 2/3’s of the cable is embedded. In addition, the yellow top and the special Plus System cable identification tag are indicators that the MB Cable Lift Loop + System was used.
The MB Cable Lift Loop + Plus System is the only high capacity, fully tested system available. Add the embedment depth guide feature, and it becomes the safest system to use.
Performance Data