Rapid Lift RL-14 Sandwich Panel Erection Anchor
Standard Capacity: 4-Ton and 8-Ton with Minimum 8” Panel Thickness
High Capacity: 5-Ton and 10-Ton
The RL-14 Sandwich Panel Erection Anchor is designed to effectively lift and handle precast concrete sandwich panels. The Sandwich Panel Erection Anchor is easy to install and requires no special lifting equipment, only the standard 4 or 8-Ton ring clutch. Its unique design distributes the lifting loads evenly into both wythes of the panel and absorbs shear loads without spalling the concrete. The Sandwich Panel Erection Anchor is available in the sizes shown in the table and in plain or hot dip galvanize finish. The Sandwich Panel Erection Anchor requires proper reinforcement, as shown in the product sketch. Refer to Sandwich Panel Erection Anchor Reinforcement Details.